How to place an order on our website?

You just need to select the specific product you are interested in. When you go to the product page, you can add it directly to the cart in your desired size, or you can click on it to view a more detailed description or additional photos of the product, based on which you can then order the item in your preferred size. Please select the size you would like to order from the options on the right side of the product image. For each size, the estimated delivery date to the carrier is shown. If th...

Can I place the order also by phone?

We’re sorry, but we do not process orders based on phone calls, as it’s essential to confirm your order and personal details in the final step of the checkout process. This way, we can avoid any potential misunderstandings 🙂

Why am I not able to continue with my order or complete it?

If you click on the button "Continue with your order", you should see the next page with delivery and payment methods. If this won't happen, it's possible that one of the products in your shopping cart was sold out in the meantime. We recommend to check your shopping cart. After the unavailable product is removed, you should be able to continue with your order. If you click on the button "Complete order" in the last part of the ordering process and the page isn't responding (there is no informa...

Why am I not able to add products to the shopping cart or place an order?

If the desired products are available in our e-shop, but you are not able to add them to the shopping cart or place an order, the problem might be in the browser or device you're using. We recommend to try another device or browser (Google Chrome usually works very good). If neither of the solutions work, another option is to open our website via incognito window. The website should then work with no other obstacles. Here is a guide of how to open an incognito window:

How do I find out that my order has been processed?

Once you have made the order, you should receive a confirmation e-mail that we received your order. This e-mail is sometimes sent to the SPAM folder of the e-mail accounts, that is why we recommend you to check this folder as well. The condition of a properly finished order is to click on the checkbox “I have become acquainted with the terms and conditions and with the conditions of personal data processing" at the right bottom side of the 3rd step of the ordering process in the shopping cart. ...

How can I register at your website?

You can find a link to the registration at the top right side of a grey bar. Once you are redirected to the registration section, just enter your personal data and confirm your registration. A confirmation e-mail with a generated password will be sent to your e-mail address (please, note that this e-mail can be delivered into your SPAM folder, so check this one as well). After logging in, you can change this password in your personal settings.

Why am I not getting any e-mails from you?

Our e-mails are sometimes delivered to the SPAM, trash, or advertisements folder. Please, check them too. If you find our e-mails in those folders (SPAM, trash, etc.), we recommend to manually move all our messages to the main inbox folder. If you won't find our e-mails even in those folders, please, contact our customer support (

Why am I not able to log into my account?

Please, make sure you enter the correct password and username. If you failed to log in repeatedly, please contact our customer service at the e-mail address Our colleagues will modify your password so you can use your account without any restrictions. :)

How can I change my login password in the account?

After logging in, please click on "Change your personal details". There you will find the option "Change password". You simply enter a new one, confirm it, and save the changes.

Where can I check the status of my order?

After logging in, please click on the tab "MY ORDERS" where you can find all orders that you have placed.

How can I redeem a discount coupon?

The coupon must be applied in the first step of the ordering process. Just enter the code in the appropriate box (marked in red in the picture below) in the shopping cart marked as “Discount coupon / Gift voucher” and confirm it by clicking on the button “Redeem”. It is necessary to enter this coupon code in the same format as you have received it – in capital letters and with no spaces.

Why am I not able to apply a discount coupon?

Please make sure that you entered it in the same format as you received it from us (i.e. in capital letters and with no spaces) and confirmed it by clicking on the button “Redeem”. Also, please check if your coupon can be used for products you ordered (a lot of our coupons cannot be applied to the discounted goods) and if it can be combined with other coupons and special offers or not. Some coupons can be used only for a specific minimum value of order, so, please, check whether the value of you...

How do I find products available in stock?

If you want to see, for example, only the socks that are in stock, it is necessary to use the filter above your selected product category. Please check off the availability “Subject to availability” as well as the desired size to display only designs in this specific size that we have available in stock.

How do I unsubscribe from the newsletter?

You can simply unsubscribe from the newsletter → HERE. You can also set newsletter preferences at the bottom of each email in the "Too many emails? Unsubscribe or change settings" section.